Friday, 26 November 2010

Hard work never killed anyone. But why risk it?

This blog has been born out of colossal procrastination. I have two large assignments due in just over a week which I had hoped to make an early start on. However, I find it hard to...find the motivation to work unless its the night before hand in. I could have put the TV on or just gone and had a nap, but that would have made me feel like a failure as I knew that if I want a good degree and a good job I would have to work hard for it.

After pissing some time away on Facebook I remembered that as part of our 3rd year we are required to write a blog. Brilliant. I realised that this way I wouldn't have to get stuck into my assignment but could feel good by telling myself that I'm preparing for next year. By the time I had finished choosing a design and layout I liked it was already 7pm. Brilliant.

I then spent the rest of the evening trying to familiarise myself with other social networking tools which will apparently be vital for a life in PR.

I still don't get the point of Twitter.

No-one else I know uses Four-square.

And I'm pretty sure Diggit was the name of a children's Saturday morning show I used to watch when I was 7....


Claire said...

Im with you here westgate... the whole idea of foursquared is just like that facebook places... which is ok every now and then but when you are constantly seeing "xyz" checked into bed or home... its kinda boring, who cares where you are? Unless your somewhere amazing like "at Kate and Wills wedding with Charles" or "In bed with Ryan Reynolds".
Its taken me a good year to understand twitter so keep at it and it will become clear to you too im sure :) x

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Tom Westgate
I am 21 and currently in my second year of a Public Relations and Communications degree at Southampton Solent University and it is awesome. I love hanging out with my friends and I enjoy playing football and rugby and I go surfing with my friends every year! I know when I'm older I definitely want to work in a big city, preferably somewhere hot and on the coast! But before I think about getting a job I want to go travelling. I just want to make the most of my life and see the world! In's allll goood!
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